Managing Technology
Vivamus Feugiat: Elementum Nulla at Convallis Consequat
Suspendisse suscipit condimentum dapibus. Suspendisse ex purus, feugiat tempus convallis non, consequat in augue. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam vel libero eu orci blandit dictum. Nunc tempor tincidunt pulvinar. Donec eu erat vitae dui auctor vestibulum vitae et purus. Nullam tellus est, mollis lacinia congue a, mollis non quam.
Latest Insights from MIT SMR
Key Tech Issues Facing Managers
- Adopting Emerging Technologies
- Managing Technology Risks
- Transforming Your Organization
Key Tech Issues Facing Managers
- Adopting Emerging Technologies
- Managing Technology Risks
- Transforming Your Organization
Key Tech Issues Facing Managers
- Adopting Emerging Technologies
- Managing Technology Risks
- Transforming Your Organization
More Insights from MIT SMR
Leadership Skills
How AI Changes Your Workforce
Watch this short video to learn more about how AI changes the rules of workforce management.
AI & Machine Learning
Mayo Clinic’s Healthy Model for AI Success
The nonprofit is delivering technology and services to help its staff build AI applications efficiently and safely.
AI & Machine Learning
In AI We Trust — Too Much?
To reduce the risk of accidentally using bad artificial intelligence, we need regulation — and skepticism.
New Product Development
Driving Manufacturing Efficiency With AI: Pirelli’s Daniele Petecchi
On the Me, Myself, and AI podcast, Daniele Petecchi discusses how Pirelli uses AI to develop tires more efficiently.
AI & Machine Learning
How to Succeed With Predictive AI
To succeed with machine learning, manage projects as business initiatives, not technology projects.
Technology Implementation
Scaling Automation: Two Proven Paths to Success
Two automation initiatives succeeded by scoring potential processes and combining technical and process knowledge.
Technology Implementation
How Tech Fails Late-Career Workers
Age-related cognitive changes can hinder workers’ technology use, but these strategies can help managers support them.
Are Enterprise Social Platforms All Talk?
Knowledge sharing platforms may not deliver full value if users are focused on self-promotion, not learning from others.
Technology Innovation Strategy
Radical Innovation Needs Old-School VC
Innovators working on urgent problems need funders who understand deep-tech opportunities and take a long-term view.
Technology Implementation
Why Manufacturers Need a Phased Approach to Digital Transformation
Taking a three-stage approach can increase the likelihood of a successful digital transformation in manufacturing companies.