Global Strategy
Do-It-Yourself Leadership Training in China
In China, demand for skilled business managers exceeds supply. Can leadership self-development programs address that gap?
In China, demand for skilled business managers exceeds supply. Can leadership self-development programs address that gap?
In today’s global economy, few large companies can afford to ignore China in their plans for growth.
By planning for disruption from natural disasters, Cisco Systems improved its supply chain resilience.
China is becoming the best place to learn how to make ideas commercially viable.
Companies doing business in China need to manage their intellectual property vulnerabilities proactively.
After a period of remarkable growth, China now faces substantial economic and political challenges.
Chinese companies are reengineering new product development in ways that reduce lead times.
Overinvesting in supply chain protection may be more profitable than not investing enough.
Big data analysis can help geographically distributed companies monitor customer satisfaction.
Knowledge networks are helping members of organizations of all sizes collaborate productively.
DBS Bank is remaking itself from a transaction company to an information company using emerging technologies.
HR executives believe that tomorrow’s leaders will be a more diverse group than today’s.
A new Chinese edition will bring MIT SMR content to the burgeoning Chinese market.
Public perceptions of corporate irresponsibility are shaped in subjective, yet predictable, ways.
Human resources executives believe the next generation of global executives will be more diverse.
The art of collaboration is one that many research and development organizations have yet to master.
How South African brewer SABMiller changed its water practices to make its beer more sustainable.
Sustainable development expert Jorgen Randers offers a vision of the world in 2052. It’s not pretty.
Tapping a virtual, on-demand workforce requires new management models and skills.
To sustain a global competitive advantage, companies must enhance and renew their core capabilities.