Digital Marketing
Twitter Is Not the Echo Chamber We Think It Is
Research has exploded the myth that Twitter is an “echo chamber” — with implications for marketing.
Research has exploded the myth that Twitter is an “echo chamber” — with implications for marketing.
Boards can do a better job leveraging the unique perspectives and expertise of each board member.
The latest revival of Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign shows the power of prioritizing customer demand over social approval.
Create harmony between agile and your team’s culture.
Five key principles explain how to use platforms to create value in the digital economy.
Leaders can foster stronger collaboration by using digital platforms to increase employee diversity.
The number of women on corporate boards has risen substantially over the past decade, but the growth rate is slowing. Why?
Artificial intelligence is beginning to replace many of the workplace roles that men dominate.
Research finds that teams lacking diversity may be more susceptible to making flawed decisions.
In certain circumstances, managers are more responsive to suggestions from the opposite gender.
As firms work with increasingly diverse arrays of people, they need to adopt leadership standards that cross geographies.
Companies need to be aware of — and take action to mitigate — pay inequity in the hiring process.
The value of external knowledge sharing increases when work groups are more structurally diverse.