Leadership Toolkits
A Toolkit for Developing and Executing Strategy
Our most popular insights on goal setting and communicating strategic priorities effectively.
Innovation Strategy
Effective Innovation Begins With Strategic Direction
To get more from their innovation efforts, businesses must first determine what type of change they want to achieve.
Developing Strategy
Why Good Arguments Make Better Strategy
Creating consistently great business strategies demands systematic constructive debate and logical rigor.
Developing Strategy
Open Up Your Strategy
A more inclusive strategy-making process is needed when disruptions come from all directions.
Developing Strategy
The Essence of Strategy Is Now How to Change
When environments are complex and dynamic, strategy is about adaptability.
Developing Strategy
The Hidden Values Driving Strategy
Leaders’ subconscious values influence how they make decisions and achieve their goals.
Business Models
Disrupt Your Own Business First
Developing truly innovative strategy requires workshopping your own company’s disruption.
Developing Strategy
With Goals, FAST Beats SMART
Traditional goal setting undermines the alignment, coordination, and agility needed to execute strategy.
Developing Strategy
A Structured Approach to Strategic Decisions
A rigorous process for navigating strategic decisions can mitigate errors and improve judgment.
Developing Strategy
Six Steps to Communicating Strategic Priorities Effectively
Clear, concise strategic priorities backed by metrics have value in communicating with stakeholders.
AI & Machine Learning
The End of Scale
New technology-driven business models are undercutting the traditional advantages of economies of scale.