AI & Machine Learning
How to Succeed With Predictive AI
To succeed with machine learning, manage projects as business initiatives, not technology projects.
To succeed with machine learning, manage projects as business initiatives, not technology projects.
Smart organizations need smarter KPIs. This report outlines how leaders can create and capture value from smart KPIs.
Taking a three-stage approach can increase the likelihood of a successful digital transformation in manufacturing companies.
Effective governance enables KPIs to evolve, remain aligned with strategic goals, and gain workers’ and managers’ trust.
When organizations create forward-looking smart KPIs with AI, they see increased strategic alignment.
Researchers are seeing stronger business benefits when KPIs are adjusted with or created by AI tools.
Researchers discuss the potential benefits of using artificial intelligence to redefine KPIs and strategic measurement.
Successful digital initiatives require metrics that track business results, not technology use.
Streamlined metrics can get people moving in the same direction and improve business performance.
New research points to a strong, multidimensional link between AI use and improvements in organizational culture.
Use these metrics and red-flag indicators to boost your chances of business ecosystem success.
Join MIT SMR for an online discussion about goal setting.
How should organizations approach strategic decision-making?
Data best supports marketing when researchers fully understand what they want to measure and how.
Research shows greater KPI transparency and clearer alignment are key to overall KPI effectiveness.
MIT Sloan Management Review’s first annual cross-industry survey of senior executives in collaboration with Google offers insight into organizations’ use of key performance indicators in the digital era.
Executive transparency better positions organizations for growth.
Given the growing importance of data to companies, how should managers measure its value?
Alternative financial metrics have become increasingly ubiquitous and more detached from reality.
Can you spot a good set of strategic priorities? Try our interactive tool to test your skill.