Data & Data Culture
Raising the Bar With Analytics
Managers have an increasing appetite for analytics, according to a 2013 MIT Sloan Management Review / SAS survey.
Managers have an increasing appetite for analytics, according to a 2013 MIT Sloan Management Review / SAS survey.
Consumer trust in online ratings may be misplaced, according to recent research.
Some well-known companies have stumbled in e-commerce in China. To succeed requires new thinking.
On the Web, innovative data reuse yields opportunities — and legal questions.
Under the right circumstances, companies of any size can grow to become platform leaders.
A new planning process, tested at established companies, puts e-business into perspective and helps make it manageable.
Managing returns, structuring the physical distribution network and deploying product inventories are all key.
INTELLIGENCE: RESEARCH BRIEF: Assessing the role of electronic product-recommendation systems.
RESEARCH BRIEF: Emerging supply-chain e-technologies provide opportunities for growth –
Can innovative partnerships increase store traffic and improve the retail revenue stream?
Wireless networks and microcharging will change the Internet as we know it.