Business Models
Why Companies Need a New Playbook to Succeed in the Digital Age
Companies need to think about how they can become a customer destination.
Companies need to think about how they can become a customer destination.
Disruption rarely comes out of nowhere — so if you see these key signs, take action to limit your risk.
Royal Philips’ experience highlights what it takes to develop a digitally inspired value proposition.
Many executives don’t recognize the threat posed by failing to respond to digital disruption.
A reader argued that if companies are managed effectively, radical change shouldn’t be necessary.
Our digital world is rendering traditional intermediaries obsolete. Make sure you are not one of them.
Featured excerpt from WTF? What’s the Future and Why It’s Up to Us by Tim O’Reilly.
The transportation industry faces fundamental disruption as vehicle ownership yields to on-demand mobility.
Disrupting the status quo is often valuable, but taken too far, it can lead to ethical crises.
People, organizations, and policy respond to technological advances at different rates.
Companies with bold strategies in response to digitization will come out as winners.
The challenge we face today is not a “world without work” but a world with rapidly changing work.
Big corporations need new strategies in a world of digital disruptors, where three new truths rule.
Faced with rapid global, social, and marketplace changes, companies need effective ways to adapt.
Understanding these five myths will give you a more realistic view of digital transformation.
AI is expected to be the single most disruptive new capability for companies in the next decade.
Responding to disruptive technologies may mean changing your company’s organizational structure.
Foresight and timing are crucial elements in responding to disruption.