Fall 2003 Issue
FALL 2003 VOL. 45 · NO. 1 Cross-Cultural Lessons in Leadership There's no shortage of advice available to guide managers about to embark on an overseas mission. But much of it is superficial, focusing on small points of etiquette along the lines of “Don't hurry through meals” when dining with the French or “Speak in […]
Global Strategy
Cross-Cultural Lessons in Leadership
Data from a decade-long research project puts advice to managers in context, country by country.
Boards & Corporate Governance
The Dangers of Too Much Governance
Overreacting to corporate scandal will hobble risk taking, innovation and growth
Organizational Behavior
Social Identity Conflict
Researchers are beginning to explore the complex effects of employee identity on the workplace.
Marketing Strategy
Brand Equity Dilution
Brands may be less vulnerable to the vagaries of extension than is commonly feared.