Cashing Out Excellence
Why do so many leaders trade in long-standing capabilities for short-term results?
When Southwest Airlines suffered a post-holiday meltdown in December 2022, the trigger was a bout of adverse weather. But the storm hit Southwest harder than it did most airlines. The company’s outdated computer systems collapsed, and years of underinvestment in technology, particularly staff scheduling systems, led to more than 16,700 flight cancellations over the holiday travel period. Amid the chaos, an executive’s memo demanding proof of illness for the use of any sick days indicated a lack of trust in employees. The scenario contrasts starkly with what the company was once celebrated for: the pioneering development of an alternative short-haul airline concept, an unrivaled commitment to employees, and a reliance on front-line decision-making, all of which had led to industry-best operational excellence and customer service and the highest profits in the history of the industry.
Southwest’s troubles are typical of a kind of leadership malaise we see in organizations that struggle to cope with disruptive events — such as the pandemic and its aftermath, which threw airports and airlines into operational turmoil and caused supply chains to collapse. To manage short-term appearances, these leaders and their predecessors had “cashed out” capabilities and allegiances they previously relied on to help them deal with unanticipated changes. It’s a practice that has become too common and too accepted: Values, qualities, and relationships that have been honed over many years and served as the foundation for earlier successes are exchanged for near-term monetary rewards — typically in the form of cost reductions and stock price improvements that prove to be ephemeral.
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We call this style of short-term leadership performance hacking. Performance hacking is the practice of giving the appearance of effective leadership by delivering on particular metrics, without delivering real performance. It involves companies and their leaders polishing financials through the calculated manipulation of investment planning and cost-cutting measures instead of prioritizing the creation of long-term value. The usual way to hack performance is by focusing on delivering short-term financial results to maintain steady trends that are unrealistic for major companies operating in complex environments but that leaders have come to believe — perhaps rightly — that the markets expect.
What performance hacking doesn’t deliver is updated facilities and computer systems; investments in product/process research and development; the ability to master or exploit new technologies; or a loyal, capable workforce.
1. R.H. Hayes and W.J. Abernathy, “Managing Our Way to Economic Decline,” Harvard Business Review 58, no. 4 (July-August 1980): 66-77.
2. “Two Legacies,” Southwest Airlines Pilots Association, Dec. 31, 2022,
3. C. Lucier, “Herb Kelleher: The Thought Leader Interview,” Strategy+Business, June 1, 2004,
4. “The Jack and Jeff Show Loses Its Lustre,” The Economist, May 2, 2002,
5. S. Malone, “GE to Pay $50 Mln to Settle SEC Fraud Charges,” Reuters, Aug. 4, 2009,
6. J. Korn, “2023 Layoff Tracker,” CNN, April 27, 2023,
7. R. Waters and T. Kinder, “Alphabet Faces Call From Activist Fund to Cut Headcount,” Financial Times, Nov. 15, 2022,
8. S. Levy, “Alphabet’s Layoffs Aren’t Very Googley,” Wired, Jan. 27, 2023,
9. M. Schlangenstein, “After System Failure, Southwest Pilots Tell CEO to Take Off,” Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette, Aug. 2, 2016,
10. G.P. Pisano and W.C. Shih, “Restoring American Competitiveness,” Harvard Business Review 87, no. 7-8 (July-August 2009): 114-125.
11. P. Robison, “Former Boeing Engineers Say Relentless Cost-Cutting Sacrificed Safety,” Bloomberg Businessweek, May 9, 2019,
12. A.M. Knott, “The Real Reasons Companies Are So Focused on the Short Term,” Harvard Business Review, Dec. 13, 2017,
13. Ibid.
14. I. Welsh, “Can Boeing Still Make Planes?” Ian Welsh (blog), Nov. 18, 2022,; D. Gates, “As Boeing Struggles to Stay Competitive, Top Jet Buyers Describe Daunting Outlook,” The Seattle Times, Oct. 26, 2020,; J. Podsada, “Boeing’s Rebound Ought to Include a New Jetliner, Experts Say,” Herald Business Journal, Dec. 10, 2020,; and D. Gates, “Boeing’s Turnaround Threatened by Talent Exodus to Companies Like Amazon, SpaceX,” The Seattle Times, July 25, 2021,
15. L. Lambert, “ESG Activists Met the Moment at ExxonMobil, but Did They Succeed?” Harvard Business School Working Knowledge, Feb. 16, 2023,
i. D. Gates, “For Boeing, Juggling Cash Flow Often Means ‘Another Houdini Moment,’” Seattle Times, Feb. 8, 2019,
ii. R.C. Pozen, “The Board’s Role in Share Repurchases,” MIT Sloan Management Review, May 3, 2017,
iii. M. Fahey, “Companies That Do Buybacks Do Worse Over Time,” CNBC, March 28, 2016,
iv. “The Boeing Company 2011 Annual Report,” PDF file (Chicago: Boeing, 2012), 2.